I'm not familiar at all writing in English. At my english profienciency level, I'm still naive and not skillful. But tonight, a boring and unexpected night when i was on night shift in the hotel where I work in Perth, I write the moment thought in English. I usually bring my laptop with me to work so I can access the internet to watch movies and read news. I call tonight unexpected because my mate didn't turn up. He is on holiday but god knows when he will be back. I'm a bit anxious as I couldn't remember the last time when he told me the date he is coming back.
Life in Perth has begun to be extremely used to for me. No doubt the sensation from the bottom heart keeps calling me to fly back to Malaysia next week for chinese new year celebration. This morning published on the mainstream newspapers in Australia was about the new immigration regulations and requirement for oversea students to acquire permanent residency. Although i'm still sit safe within the required skillfull talents things have changed rapidly. By the time I completed my study in secondary education Australia may not need me to fill the teaching profession hunger.
I was browsing some teenager blogs from my hometown, Kuantan. Some of them even study at my previous high school, SMKTP. Reading their words understand their world is such a wonderful feeling. There are so much talents and potential to be excavated in them. This relates to my decision to stay in Australia. The PRship is not that important anymore. There is a huge pool of talents for me to explore in Malaysia. Seeing so many successful Malaysian residing oversea i think i can contribute my life to groom more youngsters to achieve their dreams.